Call for Abstract

European Congress on Aquaculture and Marine Biotechnology, will be organized around the theme “Advances in Bio-prospecting through Blue Biotechnology”

Euro Aqua Congress 2019 is comprised of 16 tracks and 81 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Euro Aqua Congress 2019.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

The Oyster grower’s area unit operating arduous on the farm to urge their baby Oysters prepared for open waters. Once growers are becoming the forthcoming season's crop prepared purchasable within the fall. Completely different culturing strategies will turn out wholly different oysters, and there are a unit several of them. Growers select their most well-liked grow-out methodology supported variety of things together with their earth science, potential predators, city rules, and climate. they're getting to expand on the foremost common strategies as a result of oyster culture language will get confusing, however hopefully this may additionally shed some light-weight on your oysters and the way they're defrayment their summer.
Grow-out strategies usually constitute 2 categories: bottom culture and off-bottom culture.

"Bottom" merely suggests that the ocean bottom. Bottom culturing is that the nearest methodology to growing oysters like wild oysters. Oysters could die from dyspnoeic beneath rock bottom, get attacked by predators, or become frozen in ice that takes them out into the ocean.


  • Track 1-1Cage culture
  • Track 1-2Rack-and-bag culture
  • Track 1-3Tray culture
  • Track 1-4Surface or floating culture
  • Track 1-5Suspended culture

The Aquaculture systems and technology is used for simple facilities, and for domestic consumption in tropical countries. Simple systems of small freshwater ponds, used for raising herbivorous and filter feeding fish, account for about half of global Aquaculture production. The fishery is a natural water body or an artificial one. A variety of fish may be reared together.


  • Track 2-1Fish Production
  • Track 2-2Marine Food
  • Track 2-3Limits on fish traps
  • Track 2-4Aquaponics
  • Track 2-5Fishing Technology
  • Track 2-6Captive Fishing

Bacterial contaminations constitute the most essential wellspring of sickness issues in all the different sorts of creation. Gram-negative microscopic organisms cause epizootics in about every single refined specie. Contagious ailments constitute the second most essential wellspring of misfortunes, particularly in the way of life of scavenger’s and salmon. Outer Protozoan Parasites are in charge of the loss of substantial quantities of sear and fingerling balance angles and are a reason for epizootics among youthful shellfish. The quantity of therapeutants endorsed by the Food and Drug Administration is restricted. Research to help the enrollment of promising remedial specialists is direly required.

  • Track 3-1Viral Diseases
  • Track 3-2Parasitic Diseases
  • Track 3-3Fungal Diseases
  • Track 3-4Bacterial Diseases

An oceanic biological community is an environment in a waterway. Groups of creatures that are reliant on each other and on their condition live in oceanic biological systems. The two fundamental sorts of amphibian biological systems are Marine environments and Freshwater biological communities.

  • Track 4-1Marine ecosystems
  • Track 4-2Ponds
  • Track 4-3Hydrobiology
  • Track 4-4Lentic
  • Track 4-5Freshwater
  • Track 4-6Aquatic plant

Fisheries administration is the action of securing fishery assets so practical abuse is conceivable, drawing on Fisheries Science, and including the preparatory rule. Current fisheries administration is frequently alluded to as a legislative arrangement of suitable administration rules in light of characterized targets and a blend of administration intends to execute the tenets, which are set up by an arrangement of observing control and reconnaissance.

  • Track 5-1Prohibiting nets
  • Track 5-2Setting minimum mesh sizes
  • Track 5-3Limiting average time at sea
  • Track 5-4Prohibiting bait

The conventional strategies for Empang Parit cultivating are supplemented with an assorted variety of little bungalow businesses. These homesteads can be found along mangrove cushion zones along the drift, making an open door for jobs notwithstanding security of psyche. They are worked by the group, with every agriculturist working a plot (Open-net pen systems). The assortment of items coming from this association is wide, controlled by the decisions made by each plot proprietor. Merchandise gathered are prepared in on location creation shops and sift through to the market range or are used for more extensive fare. This course of action of structures likewise fits programs taking into account training.

  • Track 6-1Pond Crop Rotation
  • Track 6-2Mixed-Use Platforms and Boardwalks
  • Track 6-3Debris and Re-use within the Community
  • Track 6-4Organic Pond Fertilization
  • Track 6-5Green Manure Processing
  • Track 6-6Nursery

A fish incubation facility is a place for fake reproducing, bring forth, and rising through the early life phases of creatures—finfish and shellfish in particular. Hatcheries deliver larval and adolescent fish, shellfish, and scavengers, basically to help the aquaculture business where they are exchanged to on-developing frameworks, for eg: Hatching pits. Angle ranches, to achieve collect size. A few animal groups that are ordinarily brought up in incubation facilities incorporate Pacific shellfish, shrimp, Indian prawns, salmon, tilapia and scallops.

  • Track 7-1Spawning
  • Track 7-2Settlement of shellfish
  • Track 7-3Larvae
  • Track 7-4Fertilisation

It includes issues of the environmental impact of fishing just like the provision of fish, overfishing, fisheries, and Fisheries Management; any as a result of the impact of fishing on various elements of the setting, like by-catch. These issues live a district of Marine Conservation, and unit of measurement self-addressed in Fisheries Science Programs. There is a growing gap between the supply of fish and demand.

  • Track 8-1Ecological disruption
  • Track 8-2Effects on Marine habitat
  • Track 8-3Overfishing
  • Track 8-4Marine debris

The majority of alga that are by design cultivated comprise the class of microalgae. Microalgae, normally referred to as algae, even have several business and industrial uses, however owing to their size and also the specific necessities of the setting within which they have to grow, they are doing not lend themselves as promptly to cultivation this might modification, however, with the appearance of newer Algae Culture, that are essentially alga scrubbers mistreatment up flowing air bubbles in tiny containers.

Commercial and Industrial Alga Cultivation has various uses, as well as production of food ingredients like omega-3 fatty acid fatty acids or natural food colorants and dyes, food, fertilizer, bio plastics, chemical feedstock , prescription drugs, and protoctist fuel, and might even be used as a methods of pollution management.


  • Track 9-1Harvesting
  • Track 9-2Fertilizer and agar
  • Track 9-3Algal culture collections
  • Track 9-4Oil extraction
  • Track 9-5Growing algae

The Post-harvest fish lose refers to fish that's either discarded or sold at a comparatively low value attributable to quality deterioration. It's additionally implies that less fish is offered to customers, or customers area unit furnished with caliber fish and fish merchandise. Fish may be a terribly decidable trade goods and thus at risk of high Post-Harvest Losses. Temperature is that the most significant issue that contributes to the assembly of biogenic amines throughout Post-Harvest Handling.

  • Track 10-1Lose in nutritional value
  • Track 10-2Losses due to traditional processing
  • Track 10-3Market force lose
  • Track 10-4Economic loss
  • Track 10-5Quality loss
  • Track 10-6Physical loss

Aquatic ecosystem is communication of organisms it depends on each other and on their environment live, aquatic ecosystem is an ecosystem in on body of water. In this two major types of Aquatic Ecosystems.

1.Marine Ecosystem: It contain 71% of the Earth's surface and contain approximately 97% of the planet's water

2.Freshwater Ecosystem: It contain 0.78% of the Earth's surface and inhabit 0.009% of its total water


  • Track 11-1Freshwater
  • Track 11-2Aquatic plant
  • Track 11-3Autotrophic organisms
  • Track 11-4Heterotrophic organisms
  • Track 11-5Stream metabolism
  • Track 11-6Hydrobiology

The Marine Biotechnology is encompasses those efforts that involve in marine bio resources, either because the supply or the target of biotechnology applications. In several cases this suggests that the living organisms that square measure accustomed develop merchandise or services square measure derived from marine sources.

  • Track 12-1Origin pharmaceuticals
  • Track 12-2Novel industrial enzymes
  • Track 12-3Food ingredients
  • Track 12-4New chemical compounds
  • Track 12-5Drug delivery systems
  • Track 12-6Biosensors

The earth science is thought as study of the physical and biological aspects of the ocean. It contains associate natural science lined a large vary of topics, it as well as scheme dynamics, ocean currents, waves, and geology fluid dynamics, tectonics and also the Earth Science of the ocean floor, and fluxes of assorted chemical substances and physical properties inside the ocean and across its boundaries.

Branches of Oceanography.

Biological oceanography

Chemical oceanography

Geological oceanography

Physical oceanography


  • Track 13-1Ocean acidification
  • Track 13-2 Oceanographic institutions
  • Track 13-3Ocean heat content
  • Track 13-4Ocean currents

The process offers the byproducts, along with waste, from one Aquatic Species as inputs (fertilizers, food) for a further. Farmers combine fed cultivation (fish, shrimp) with inorganic extractive (seaweed) and organic extractive (shellfish) cultivation to create balanced systems for surroundings remedy (bio mitigation), economic stability and social quality. “Integrated" refers to intensive and synergistic cultivation, victimization water-borne nutrient and energy transfer. "Multi-trophic" suggests that the various species occupy entirely completely different organic process levels that are entirely completely different links inside the natural phenomenon.

  • Track 14-1Extensive farming
  • Track 14-2Agribusines
  • Track 14-3Organic farming
  • Track 14-4Intensive farming
  • Track 14-5Industrial agriculture
  • Track 14-6Factory farming

Aquaculture strategies cultivation or 'Fish Farming' could happen within the ocean or onto land, and might be accustomed grow marine or fresh species. The environmental impact of farmed food is to a good extent determined by the farming technique used. Here may be an outline of common cultivation strategies.

Open-net pen systems


Recirculation systems


  • Track 15-1Integrated aquaculture
  • Track 15-2Algae farming
  • Track 15-3Marine finfish farming
  • Track 15-4Shellfish farming
  • Track 15-5Freshwater aquaculture

Inland Saline Cultivation is that the farming or culture of aquatic animals and plants exploitation inland (i.e. non-coastal) sources of saline groundwater instead of lot of common coastal cultivation strategies. As an aspect profit, it will bewont to cut back the quantity of salt in underground water tables, resulting in an improvement within the close land usage for agriculture.

  • Track 16-1Extensive culture
  • Track 16-2Suitable species
  • Track 16-3Semi-intensive culture
  • Track 16-4Intensive culture